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Bäume, Gebäude, Parkbuchten

Study Organisation

In "Study Organization", studies and teaching are organized in the study programs of human medicine and dentistry. The staff members are the contact persons for students and teachers alike. The tasks range from the preparation of timetables and rotation schedules to the support of the teaching committees and the updating of examination regulations. The core tasks also include advising students of human medicine in all three qualification levels (Q1, Q2, Q3), students of dental medicine and prospective students. The coordination of the elective curriculum, the support of the PJ portal and the handling of the examinations for the Third Section of the Medical Examination (M3) are also anchored in "Study Organization". In addition, the small group assignment as well as the assignment of some internships are carried out in HIS-LSF. Furthermore, students are supported by the employees with questions regarding maternity protection and accidents at work.

Johanna Schwerdt

Head of Study Organisation

Johanna Schwerdt
Building: 17.11
Floor/Room: 01.26
+49 211 81-06455

Susanne Wissenbach

Deputy Head of Study Organization

Susanne Wissenbach
Building: 17.11
Floor/Room: 01.24
+49 211 81-06450

Babette Dufrenne

Study Organisation

Babette Dufrenne
Building: 17.11
Floor/Room: 00.14
+49 211 81-06411

Florian Weegen

study organization

Florian Weegen
Building: 17.11
Floor/Room: 01.27
+49 211 81-06456


Johanna Binder

Study Entry

Johanna Binder
Building: 17.11
Floor/Room: 01.27
+49 211 81-06408

Christina Forstreuter

Study Entry

Christina Forstreuter
Building: 17.11
Floor/Room: 01.27

Studienorganisation (Q1)

Johanna Binder

Study Organisation (Q1)

Johanna Binder
Building: 17.11
Floor/Room: 01.27
+49 211 81-06408

Jutta Elster

Study Organisation (Q1)

Jutta Elster
Building: 17.11
Floor/Room: 01.27
+49 211 81-06887

Studienorganisation (Q2)

Dominik Göhmann

Study Organisation (Q2)

Dr. Dominik Göhmann
Building: 17.11
Floor/Room: 01.19
+49 211 81-06441

Susanne Wissenbach

Study Organization (Q2)

Susanne Wissenbach
Building: 17.11
Floor/Room: 01.24
+49 211 81-06450

Studienorganisation (Q3 / M3)

Susanne Wissenbach

Study Organization (Q3 / M3)

Susanne Wissenbach
Building: 17.11
Floor/Room: 01.24
+49 211 81-06450

Özgü Altin

Study Organisation (Q3/M3)

Özgü Altin
Building: 17.11
Floor/Room: 01.19
+49 211 81-06590


Dominik Göhmann

Elective Subjects

Dr. Dominik Göhmann
Building: 17.11
Floor/Room: 01.19
+49 211 81-06441

Rabea Hunsmann

Electable Courses

Rabea Hunsmann
Building: 17.11
Floor/Room: 00.06
+49 211 81-06405

Studienorganisation (Zahnmedizin)

Rabea Hunsmann


Rabea Hunsmann
Building: 17.11
Floor/Room: 00.06
+49 211 81-06405

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