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HHU endorses the statements issued by the German Rectors’ Conference and the German Academic Exchange Service
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf: Solidarity with the people of Ukraine

On behalf of the academic staff, students and employees of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU), the Rectorate expresses its deep sadness and concern at the dramatic situation in Ukraine following the Russian invasion. President Professor Dr Anja Steinbeck: “This war at the heart of Europe is an unimaginable catastrophe, the like of which we had no longer thought possible. We can only imagine the suffering of the people in the country and the distress of Ukrainians here in Düsseldorf. We stand in solidarity with you and will do everything we can to help.”


HHU fully endorses the statements issued by the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The academic world stands for international cooperation across all borders. Today, progress can only be achieved through peace, with open borders and without restrictions for academic staff and students.

Anyone at HHU affected by the situation can contact the International Office and the JUNO-Welcome-Center.

Kategorie/n: Schlagzeilen, Pressemeldungen, Auch in Englisch
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