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After artificial heart implantation and stomach reduction: Tansel Kilic has received a donor heart


An interdisciplinary treatment success: (from left) Dr. Daniel Scheiber (Senior Physician at the Clinic of Cardiology, Pulmonary Diseases and Vascular Medicine and Deputy Head of the Transplant Programme), Prof. Dr. Hug Aubin (Head of the "Mechanical Circulatory Support" programme at the Clinic for Cardiac Surgery), patient Tansel Kilic and Dr. Christian Vay (Senior Physician at the Clinic for General, Visceral and Paediatric Surgery with a focus on work at the University Hospital's Obesity Centre). Photo: University Hospital Düsseldorf

Two years ago, a patient at Düsseldorf University Hospital underwent the first combined operation in Germany involving artificial heart implantation and stomach reduction to pave the way for a heart transplant. Now a donor heart beats in Tansel Kilic's chest.

Read the full article here on the UKD's official website (German only so far).

Text ©UKD

Find the corresponding article from 2022 here.


Kategorie/n: CARID
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