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A Complete Success: the KardioMRT Symposium 2024


In April, a CardioMRI symposium on the topic of "Patient-centred treatment of heart failure - where cardiac magnetic resonance imaging makes the difference" was held in Düsseldorf's Haus der Universität. More than 60 participants took part. Due to its great success, the event is to be held again next year. The symposium was organised by the UKD's Clinic of Cardiology in collaboration with the University Hospital RWTH Aachen, the Heart Centre Wuppertal, the Clinic for Cardiology in Düren and the Heart MRI Rhineland.

Find the whole news here on the official Instagram profile of Düsseldorf's University Hospitel (German only so far).

Text ©UKD

Kategorie/n: CARID
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