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For the first time in Germany: wireless pacemaker inserted via jugular vein


Helmuth Werner (centre) after the operation with the replica of his pacemaker and the surgical team. Due to his other illnesses, he had to remain in hospital. "It's a great feeling to know that the device in my heart is now looking after me and making my heart beat to the right rhythm again." (Photo: University Hospital Düsseldorf/UKD)

They are little lifesavers in the patient's heart: Wireless pacemakers are directly inserted and anchored into the ventricle. The small devices are barely bigger than a €1 coin and have an integrated battery lasting for years. Unlike previous pacemakers, the battery no longer needs to be placed under the skin in the chest area and are connected to the electrodes in the heart via cables. This reduces the risk of infection, especially for patients at increased risk. Read the whole article on the official website of Düsseldorf's University Hospital (German only so far).

Text and photo rights ©UKD

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