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One year, two brothers, two heart transplants


A rarity: Two brothers received a donor heart at Düsseldorf's University Hospital in the same year (2023). In the picture from left to right: Prof. Dr. Udo Boeken (Surgical Director of the Heart Transplant Programme at University Hospital Düsseldorf), Prof. Dr. Artur Lichtenberg (Director of the Clinic for Cardiac Surgery), Henning Hansen, Axel Hansen, Dr. David Naguib (Assistant Physician, Clinic for Cardiology, Pneumology and Angiology) and Sina Wlasowicz (Physician Assistant, Clinic for Cardiac Surgery).

"The fact that we two brothers received two of the 300 or so hearts that are transplanted in Germany every year is really special," says Henning Hansen. The 48-year-old was operated on at Düsseldorf University Hospital in March last year. His older brother Axel Hansen (56) received his donor heart just a few months later - shortly before Christmas.

Read the whole article on the official website of Düsseldorf's University Hospital (German only so far).

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