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Core competencies for postdoctoral fellows and young scientists

An academic career can have very diverse goals, which can be pursued individually depending on one's interests. To obtain a university professorship, both a strong interest in research and a passion for teaching are prerequisites for achieving this career goal. In addition to the professional requirements, the young scientists should also have additional key qualifications that support their everyday research work.

The Faculty attaches particular importance to the continuous training of young scientists and the qualified supervision of doctoral candidates. Applicants for admission to habilitation must provide evidence of at least four continuing education courses on core competencies for young scientists and university teachers. Participation in further training to ensure good scientific practice is mandatory.

Two Nominees for the Antitrust Writing Award 2022

With two nominations, DICE researchers are finalists for the Antitrust Writing Award 2022. Justus Haucap and Christina Heldmann have been nominated (together with Holger Rau (Uni Göttingen)) for their article "Gender and Collusion". Also in the final round is the paper "The Effects of private Damage Claims on Cartel Activity: Experimental Evidence" by Hans-Theo Normann, Melinda Fremerey, Olivia Bodnar (DICE Consult) and Jannika Schad (Uni Siegen).

The Antitrust Writing Award honors the best antitrust writings published in the past year, with the goal of advancing competition scholarship and contributing to the promotion of competition. The jury is composed of leading antitrust experts, academics and lawyers. Voting will run until March 25, 2022.


Kategorie/n: NEWS

Two Nominees for the Antitrust Writing Award 2022

With two nominations, DICE researchers are finalists for the Antitrust Writing Award 2022. Justus Haucap and Christina Heldmann have been nominated (together with Holger Rau (Uni Göttingen)) for their article "Gender and Collusion". Also in the final round is the paper "The Effects of private Damage Claims on Cartel Activity: Experimental Evidence" by Hans-Theo Normann, Melinda Fremerey, Olivia Bodnar (DICE Consult) and Jannika Schad (Uni Siegen).

The Antitrust Writing Award honors the best antitrust writings published in the past year, with the goal of advancing competition scholarship and contributing to the promotion of competition. The jury is composed of leading antitrust experts, academics and lawyers. Voting will run until March 25, 2022.


Kategorie/n: NEWS

Two Nominees for the Antitrust Writing Award 2022

With two nominations, DICE researchers are finalists for the Antitrust Writing Award 2022. Justus Haucap and Christina Heldmann have been nominated (together with Holger Rau (Uni Göttingen)) for their article "Gender and Collusion". Also in the final round is the paper "The Effects of private Damage Claims on Cartel Activity: Experimental Evidence" by Hans-Theo Normann, Melinda Fremerey, Olivia Bodnar (DICE Consult) and Jannika Schad (Uni Siegen).

The Antitrust Writing Award honors the best antitrust writings published in the past year, with the goal of advancing competition scholarship and contributing to the promotion of competition. The jury is composed of leading antitrust experts, academics and lawyers. Voting will run until March 25, 2022.


Kategorie/n: NEWS

Two Nominees for the Antitrust Writing Award 2022

With two nominations, DICE researchers are finalists for the Antitrust Writing Award 2022. Justus Haucap and Christina Heldmann have been nominated (together with Holger Rau (Uni Göttingen)) for their article "Gender and Collusion". Also in the final round is the paper "The Effects of private Damage Claims on Cartel Activity: Experimental Evidence" by Hans-Theo Normann, Melinda Fremerey, Olivia Bodnar (DICE Consult) and Jannika Schad (Uni Siegen).

The Antitrust Writing Award honors the best antitrust writings published in the past year, with the goal of advancing competition scholarship and contributing to the promotion of competition. The jury is composed of leading antitrust experts, academics and lawyers. Voting will run until March 25, 2022.


Kategorie/n: NEWS
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