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Core competencies for postdoctoral fellows and young scientists

An academic career can have very diverse goals, which can be pursued individually depending on one's interests. To obtain a university professorship, both a strong interest in research and a passion for teaching are prerequisites for achieving this career goal. In addition to the professional requirements, the young scientists should also have additional key qualifications that support their everyday research work.

The Faculty attaches particular importance to the continuous training of young scientists and the qualified supervision of doctoral candidates. Applicants for admission to habilitation must provide evidence of at least four continuing education courses on core competencies for young scientists and university teachers. Participation in further training to ensure good scientific practice is mandatory.

Workshop zur Politischen Philosophie

Der Workshop steht allen Interessierten offen, um vorherige Anmeldung wird allerdings geboten. Diese erfolgt über eine E-Mail an adis.selimi@hhu.de

Organisiert wird der Workshop von David Schweikard, Fabian Wendt und Adis Selimi.


Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2024
13:00-13:15        Begrüßung
13:15-14:00        Valerij Zisman (Freiburg): Respect, Reactive Attitudes, and Retributive Punishment
14:00-14:45        Roland Kipke (Bielefeld): Historisches Unrecht: Manchmal ist es besser, seine Folgen zu akzeptieren
14:45-15:15        Kaffeepause
15:15-16:00       Adis Selimi (Düsseldorf): Can Human Rights Theory Justify Jus in Bello Norms?
16:00-16:45       Stefan Rinner (Essen): Accommodating Hatred
16:45-17:15        Kaffeepause
17:15-18:00        Hauke Behrendt (Stuttgart): Resolving the Puzzle of Affirmative Action
18:00-18:45       David Schweikard (Flensburg): tbd
Freitag, 5. Juli 2024
9:30-10:15         Fabian Wendt (Virginia Tech): How to Moralize Liberty
10:15-11:00        Lisa Hecht (Dresden): Pacifist Duties and the Permissibility of National Defence
11:00-11:30        Kaffeepause
11:30-12:15         Frieder Bögner (Aachen): An Understanding of Technological Sovereignty and its Role in a Set of European Values
12:15-13:00        Carola Hesch (Hamburg): How to Get from Here to There? Overcoming Reservations against Non-Consensual 
                           Institutional Change in Social Contract Theory
13:00-14:15        Mittagspause
14:15-15:00        Daniel Sharp (München): What is Wrong with Denationalization: Citizenship Revocation and Social Equality
15:00-15:45        Philipp Stehr (Utrecht): Justifying A Right to Strike in Democratic Corporations

Kategorie/n: Allgemein, Veranstaltungen, Philosophie

Workshop zur Politischen Philosophie

Der Workshop steht allen Interessierten offen, um vorherige Anmeldung wird allerdings geboten. Diese erfolgt über eine E-Mail an adis.selimi@hhu.de

Organisiert wird der Workshop von David Schweikard, Fabian Wendt und Adis Selimi.


Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2024
13:00-13:15        Begrüßung
13:15-14:00        Valerij Zisman (Freiburg): Respect, Reactive Attitudes, and Retributive Punishment
14:00-14:45        Roland Kipke (Bielefeld): Historisches Unrecht: Manchmal ist es besser, seine Folgen zu akzeptieren
14:45-15:15        Kaffeepause
15:15-16:00       Adis Selimi (Düsseldorf): Can Human Rights Theory Justify Jus in Bello Norms?
16:00-16:45       Stefan Rinner (Essen): Accommodating Hatred
16:45-17:15        Kaffeepause
17:15-18:00        Hauke Behrendt (Stuttgart): Resolving the Puzzle of Affirmative Action
18:00-18:45       David Schweikard (Flensburg): tbd
Freitag, 5. Juli 2024
9:30-10:15         Fabian Wendt (Virginia Tech): How to Moralize Liberty
10:15-11:00        Lisa Hecht (Dresden): Pacifist Duties and the Permissibility of National Defence
11:00-11:30        Kaffeepause
11:30-12:15         Frieder Bögner (Aachen): An Understanding of Technological Sovereignty and its Role in a Set of European Values
12:15-13:00        Carola Hesch (Hamburg): How to Get from Here to There? Overcoming Reservations against Non-Consensual 
                           Institutional Change in Social Contract Theory
13:00-14:15        Mittagspause
14:15-15:00        Daniel Sharp (München): What is Wrong with Denationalization: Citizenship Revocation and Social Equality
15:00-15:45        Philipp Stehr (Utrecht): Justifying A Right to Strike in Democratic Corporations

Kategorie/n: Allgemein, Veranstaltungen, Philosophie

Workshop zur Politischen Philosophie

Der Workshop steht allen Interessierten offen, um vorherige Anmeldung wird allerdings geboten. Diese erfolgt über eine E-Mail an adis.selimi@hhu.de

Organisiert wird der Workshop von David Schweikard, Fabian Wendt und Adis Selimi.


Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2024
13:00-13:15        Begrüßung
13:15-14:00        Valerij Zisman (Freiburg): Respect, Reactive Attitudes, and Retributive Punishment
14:00-14:45        Roland Kipke (Bielefeld): Historisches Unrecht: Manchmal ist es besser, seine Folgen zu akzeptieren
14:45-15:15        Kaffeepause
15:15-16:00       Adis Selimi (Düsseldorf): Can Human Rights Theory Justify Jus in Bello Norms?
16:00-16:45       Stefan Rinner (Essen): Accommodating Hatred
16:45-17:15        Kaffeepause
17:15-18:00        Hauke Behrendt (Stuttgart): Resolving the Puzzle of Affirmative Action
18:00-18:45       David Schweikard (Flensburg): tbd
Freitag, 5. Juli 2024
9:30-10:15         Fabian Wendt (Virginia Tech): How to Moralize Liberty
10:15-11:00        Lisa Hecht (Dresden): Pacifist Duties and the Permissibility of National Defence
11:00-11:30        Kaffeepause
11:30-12:15         Frieder Bögner (Aachen): An Understanding of Technological Sovereignty and its Role in a Set of European Values
12:15-13:00        Carola Hesch (Hamburg): How to Get from Here to There? Overcoming Reservations against Non-Consensual 
                           Institutional Change in Social Contract Theory
13:00-14:15        Mittagspause
14:15-15:00        Daniel Sharp (München): What is Wrong with Denationalization: Citizenship Revocation and Social Equality
15:00-15:45        Philipp Stehr (Utrecht): Justifying A Right to Strike in Democratic Corporations

Kategorie/n: Allgemein, Veranstaltungen, Philosophie

Workshop zur Politischen Philosophie

Der Workshop steht allen Interessierten offen, um vorherige Anmeldung wird allerdings geboten. Diese erfolgt über eine E-Mail an adis.selimi@hhu.de

Organisiert wird der Workshop von David Schweikard, Fabian Wendt und Adis Selimi.


Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2024
13:00-13:15        Begrüßung
13:15-14:00        Valerij Zisman (Freiburg): Respect, Reactive Attitudes, and Retributive Punishment
14:00-14:45        Roland Kipke (Bielefeld): Historisches Unrecht: Manchmal ist es besser, seine Folgen zu akzeptieren
14:45-15:15        Kaffeepause
15:15-16:00       Adis Selimi (Düsseldorf): Can Human Rights Theory Justify Jus in Bello Norms?
16:00-16:45       Stefan Rinner (Essen): Accommodating Hatred
16:45-17:15        Kaffeepause
17:15-18:00        Hauke Behrendt (Stuttgart): Resolving the Puzzle of Affirmative Action
18:00-18:45       David Schweikard (Flensburg): tbd
Freitag, 5. Juli 2024
9:30-10:15         Fabian Wendt (Virginia Tech): How to Moralize Liberty
10:15-11:00        Lisa Hecht (Dresden): Pacifist Duties and the Permissibility of National Defence
11:00-11:30        Kaffeepause
11:30-12:15         Frieder Bögner (Aachen): An Understanding of Technological Sovereignty and its Role in a Set of European Values
12:15-13:00        Carola Hesch (Hamburg): How to Get from Here to There? Overcoming Reservations against Non-Consensual 
                           Institutional Change in Social Contract Theory
13:00-14:15        Mittagspause
14:15-15:00        Daniel Sharp (München): What is Wrong with Denationalization: Citizenship Revocation and Social Equality
15:00-15:45        Philipp Stehr (Utrecht): Justifying A Right to Strike in Democratic Corporations

Kategorie/n: Allgemein, Veranstaltungen, Philosophie
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