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Core competencies for postdoctoral fellows and young scientists

An academic career can have very diverse goals, which can be pursued individually depending on one's interests. To obtain a university professorship, both a strong interest in research and a passion for teaching are prerequisites for achieving this career goal. In addition to the professional requirements, the young scientists should also have additional key qualifications that support their everyday research work.

The Faculty attaches particular importance to the continuous training of young scientists and the qualified supervision of doctoral candidates. Applicants for admission to habilitation must provide evidence of at least four continuing education courses on core competencies for young scientists and university teachers. Participation in further training to ensure good scientific practice is mandatory.

What next for the Digital Markets Act?

The Digital Markets Act (DMA), an EU regulation, came into force on 1 November 2022. The DMA is the revolutionary attempt to subject digital gatekeepers such as Google or Apple to special regulation under European law. However, the obligations for the superstar platforms will not take effect until 2024. In the meantime, the question is how to maximise the impact of the DMA and how the European Commission can prepare enforcement. Professor Rupprecht Podszun has written a policy paper on this question with several colleagues. It is part of the Digital Regulation Project at Yale University. The paper entitled: "Enforcing the Digital Markets Act: Institutional Choices, Compliance, and Antitrust" is available here: 

The paper is a collaboration of economists (Fiona Scott Morton, Jacques Cremer, Paul Heidhus and Monika Schnitzer) and lawyers (David Dinielli, Gene Kimmelman, Giorgio Monti, Alexandre de Streel and Rupprecht Podszun).
Professor Podszun and his team have accompanied the legislative process of the DMA intensively from the beginning and, among other things, have given their opinion on it in a committee of the European Parliament. In 2023, a detailed commentary on the DMA will be published by Nomos-Verlag, edited by Rupprecht Podszun and co-authored, amongst others, by research assistants Philipp Bongartz and Alexander Kirk.

Kategorie/n: Digitalrecht, Wettbewerb

What next for the Digital Markets Act?

The Digital Markets Act (DMA), an EU regulation, came into force on 1 November 2022. The DMA is the revolutionary attempt to subject digital gatekeepers such as Google or Apple to special regulation under European law. However, the obligations for the superstar platforms will not take effect until 2024. In the meantime, the question is how to maximise the impact of the DMA and how the European Commission can prepare enforcement. Professor Rupprecht Podszun has written a policy paper on this question with several colleagues. It is part of the Digital Regulation Project at Yale University. The paper entitled: "Enforcing the Digital Markets Act: Institutional Choices, Compliance, and Antitrust" is available here: 

The paper is a collaboration of economists (Fiona Scott Morton, Jacques Cremer, Paul Heidhus and Monika Schnitzer) and lawyers (David Dinielli, Gene Kimmelman, Giorgio Monti, Alexandre de Streel and Rupprecht Podszun).
Professor Podszun and his team have accompanied the legislative process of the DMA intensively from the beginning and, among other things, have given their opinion on it in a committee of the European Parliament. In 2023, a detailed commentary on the DMA will be published by Nomos-Verlag, edited by Rupprecht Podszun and co-authored, amongst others, by research assistants Philipp Bongartz and Alexander Kirk.

Kategorie/n: Digitalrecht, Wettbewerb

What next for the Digital Markets Act?

The Digital Markets Act (DMA), an EU regulation, came into force on 1 November 2022. The DMA is the revolutionary attempt to subject digital gatekeepers such as Google or Apple to special regulation under European law. However, the obligations for the superstar platforms will not take effect until 2024. In the meantime, the question is how to maximise the impact of the DMA and how the European Commission can prepare enforcement. Professor Rupprecht Podszun has written a policy paper on this question with several colleagues. It is part of the Digital Regulation Project at Yale University. The paper entitled: "Enforcing the Digital Markets Act: Institutional Choices, Compliance, and Antitrust" is available here: 

The paper is a collaboration of economists (Fiona Scott Morton, Jacques Cremer, Paul Heidhus and Monika Schnitzer) and lawyers (David Dinielli, Gene Kimmelman, Giorgio Monti, Alexandre de Streel and Rupprecht Podszun).
Professor Podszun and his team have accompanied the legislative process of the DMA intensively from the beginning and, among other things, have given their opinion on it in a committee of the European Parliament. In 2023, a detailed commentary on the DMA will be published by Nomos-Verlag, edited by Rupprecht Podszun and co-authored, amongst others, by research assistants Philipp Bongartz and Alexander Kirk.

Kategorie/n: Digitalrecht, Wettbewerb

What next for the Digital Markets Act?

The Digital Markets Act (DMA), an EU regulation, came into force on 1 November 2022. The DMA is the revolutionary attempt to subject digital gatekeepers such as Google or Apple to special regulation under European law. However, the obligations for the superstar platforms will not take effect until 2024. In the meantime, the question is how to maximise the impact of the DMA and how the European Commission can prepare enforcement. Professor Rupprecht Podszun has written a policy paper on this question with several colleagues. It is part of the Digital Regulation Project at Yale University. The paper entitled: "Enforcing the Digital Markets Act: Institutional Choices, Compliance, and Antitrust" is available here: 

The paper is a collaboration of economists (Fiona Scott Morton, Jacques Cremer, Paul Heidhus and Monika Schnitzer) and lawyers (David Dinielli, Gene Kimmelman, Giorgio Monti, Alexandre de Streel and Rupprecht Podszun).
Professor Podszun and his team have accompanied the legislative process of the DMA intensively from the beginning and, among other things, have given their opinion on it in a committee of the European Parliament. In 2023, a detailed commentary on the DMA will be published by Nomos-Verlag, edited by Rupprecht Podszun and co-authored, amongst others, by research assistants Philipp Bongartz and Alexander Kirk.

Kategorie/n: Digitalrecht, Wettbewerb
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