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Kernkompetenzen für Habilitand*innen und Wissenschaftler*innen in frühen Karrierestufen

Die Fakultät misst der kontinuierlichen Weiterbildung von Wissenschaftler*innen in frühen Karrierestufen und einer qualifizierten Betreuung von Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden besondere Bedeutung zu. Der Erwerb von zusätzlichen Schlüsselqualifikationen unterstützt Habilitierende, neben den fachlichen Qualifikationen, in ihrem Forschungsalltag.

Habilitand*innen  sollen sich regelmäßig im Bereich Kernkompetenzen fortbilden und nach Möglichkeit in jedem Jahr vor der Habilitation eine Veranstaltung besuchen (s. Habilitationsordnung).

Für den Antrag zur Habilitation müssen dabei insgesamt mindestens vier Weiterbildungen zu Kernkompetenzen für prom. Wissenschaftler*innen nachgewiesen werden. Davon muss eine Veranstaltung eine Fortbildung zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis sein. Die Veranstaltungen müssen nicht alle aus verschiedenen Bereichen kommen. Es können auch mehrere Veranstaltungen aus einem Bereich gewählt werden.

Die in der neuen Habilitationsordnung geforderten Weiterbildungen sollen aus folgenden Qualifizierungsbereichen erbracht werden:

  • Karriereentwicklung durch Forschungsförderung, Drittmitteleinwerbung
  • Führung, Führungsstil, Führungspersönlichkeit, Führungsverantwortung
  • Führung im Team, Teamzusammenstellung, Teammoderation, -motivation
  • Wissenschaftsmanagement
  • Personalmanagement
  • Betreuung von Abschlussarbeiten
  • Projekt- und Zeitmanagement
  • Kommunikation
  • Konfliktmanagement
  • Präsentation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Kurse anderer Anbieter werden angerechnet, wenn diese
a) den oben beschriebenen Qualifizierungsbereichen zugeordnet werden können und
b) diese Veranstaltungen für promovierte Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen konzipiert sind.

Das Junior Scientist and International Researcher Center (JUNO) organisiert im Auftrag des Graduiertenzentrums Medizin die Veranstaltungen zur guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis für die Habilitanden und Habilitandinnen sowie für die Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten für eine Apl.-Professur. Bei der Antragstellung werden nur die GWP-Schulungen der JUNO oder in Art und Umfang äquivalente Veranstaltungen anderer Standorte berücksichtigt. Die Schulungen der iGRAD bzw. die Schulungen für Medizindoktoranden der medRSD sind nicht für die o.g. Zielgruppe konzipiert und daher ungeeignet.

Academic Career Development Programme (ACDP)
Die Teilnahme am Academic Career Development Programme auf die geforderten Kernkompetenzen für prom.  Wissenschaftler*innen angerechnet. Sie müssen neben der erfolgreichen Teilnahme an dem Mentoring-Programm nur noch die Fortbildung zur guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis nachweisen.

Zertifikatsprogramm 'Betreuung in der Wissenschaft'
Die Teilnahme am Zertifikatsprogramm 'Betreuung in der Wissenschaft' wird auf die geforderten Kernkompetenzen für prom.  Wissenschaftler*innen angerechnet.

Teilnehmerinnen des SelmaMeyerMentoring‐Programms für fortgeschrittene Postdoktorandinnen und Habilitandinnen der HHU (Linien SelmaMeyerMED+, PROF, PROF‐MED) werden die im Programm besuchten Workshops auf die geforderten Kernkompetenzen für prom.  Wissenschaftler*innen angerechnet. Sie müssen neben der erfolgreichen Teilnahme an dem Mentoring-Programm nur noch die Fortbildung zur guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis nachweisen.

Veranstaltungen für promovierte Wissenschaftler*innen

Die Weiterbildungen werden vom Junior Scientist and International Researcher Center (JUNO) zu den nachfolgenden Kompetenzbereichen angeboten. Wählen Sie aus den angebotenen Veranstaltungen von JUNO und melden Sie sich direkt über den Link zur Veranstaltung an.

Wibke Schumann part of Soapbox Science 2021 in Cologne on 21 August 2021

Soapbox Science Speakers 2021 (top left to bottom right): Priyamedha Sengupta, Wibke Schumann, Dr. rer. nat. Anette Christ, Blanca Jurado Mestre, Ekaterina Ponomareva, Dr. Adélaïde Raguin, Dr. rer. nat. Sabrina Bianca Bennstein, Harshita Kaul, Sonia Ravanelli, Dr. Shyama Vermeersch, Dr. Alisandra K. Denton, Kathrin Dorn

CRC 1208 researcher Wibke Schumann explains her research at this year's Soapbox Science Rhineland.
Think "outside the box" is what is often said when they want you to leave your old thinking habits behind and get creative.
On 21 August from 2 to 6 p.m., female scientists will stand on four boxes on Cologne's Rudolfplatz and present their research to passers-by.

Without technical aids, women scientists want to inspire the general public with their research by standing on their "soapbox". In a workshop, the participants learn how to do this without PowerPoint or a lecture hall. We can look forward to the creative implementation on the box.

Speaking of old habits of thought "inside the box". If you ask on the street what a scientist looks like, the image of the white-haired man with tousled hair quickly comes up. Soapbox Science Rheinland is also about doing away with such old clichés. The event is part of the international Soapbox Science initiative, which aims to bring science to the people and challenge gender stereotypes in scientific professions. The inspiration for this format was Speaker's Corner in London's Hyde Park, where debates and discussions take place publicly in the open air. This year Soapbox Science celebrates its tenth anniversary with 45 events planned in 15 countries.

This year, the six participating HHU scientists will present their work in the fields of immunology, physics, colloids, plant biology and bioinformatics.

Soapbox Science Rheinland" is organised and carried out by the Clusters of Excellence ImmunoSensation2 (Bonn) and CECAD (Cologne) together with volunteers. In addition, the HHU supports the event with its Cluster of Excellence for Plant Research CEPLAS, its Citizens' University and the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1208.
What, where and when?

    Soapbox Science Rhineland
    Cologne, Rudolfplatz
    Saturday, 21 August, 2:00 to 6:00 p.m.

All citizens are invited to get to know exciting science in a relaxed atmosphere. Participation is free of charge!

Kategorie/n: SFB 1208

Wibke Schumann part of Soapbox Science 2021 in Cologne on 21 August 2021

Soapbox Science Speakers 2021 (top left to bottom right): Priyamedha Sengupta, Wibke Schumann, Dr. rer. nat. Anette Christ, Blanca Jurado Mestre, Ekaterina Ponomareva, Dr. Adélaïde Raguin, Dr. rer. nat. Sabrina Bianca Bennstein, Harshita Kaul, Sonia Ravanelli, Dr. Shyama Vermeersch, Dr. Alisandra K. Denton, Kathrin Dorn

CRC 1208 researcher Wibke Schumann explains her research at this year's Soapbox Science Rhineland.
Think "outside the box" is what is often said when they want you to leave your old thinking habits behind and get creative.
On 21 August from 2 to 6 p.m., female scientists will stand on four boxes on Cologne's Rudolfplatz and present their research to passers-by.

Without technical aids, women scientists want to inspire the general public with their research by standing on their "soapbox". In a workshop, the participants learn how to do this without PowerPoint or a lecture hall. We can look forward to the creative implementation on the box.

Speaking of old habits of thought "inside the box". If you ask on the street what a scientist looks like, the image of the white-haired man with tousled hair quickly comes up. Soapbox Science Rheinland is also about doing away with such old clichés. The event is part of the international Soapbox Science initiative, which aims to bring science to the people and challenge gender stereotypes in scientific professions. The inspiration for this format was Speaker's Corner in London's Hyde Park, where debates and discussions take place publicly in the open air. This year Soapbox Science celebrates its tenth anniversary with 45 events planned in 15 countries.

This year, the six participating HHU scientists will present their work in the fields of immunology, physics, colloids, plant biology and bioinformatics.

Soapbox Science Rheinland" is organised and carried out by the Clusters of Excellence ImmunoSensation2 (Bonn) and CECAD (Cologne) together with volunteers. In addition, the HHU supports the event with its Cluster of Excellence for Plant Research CEPLAS, its Citizens' University and the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1208.
What, where and when?

    Soapbox Science Rhineland
    Cologne, Rudolfplatz
    Saturday, 21 August, 2:00 to 6:00 p.m.

All citizens are invited to get to know exciting science in a relaxed atmosphere. Participation is free of charge!

Kategorie/n: SFB 1208

Wibke Schumann part of Soapbox Science 2021 in Cologne on 21 August 2021

Soapbox Science Speakers 2021 (top left to bottom right): Priyamedha Sengupta, Wibke Schumann, Dr. rer. nat. Anette Christ, Blanca Jurado Mestre, Ekaterina Ponomareva, Dr. Adélaïde Raguin, Dr. rer. nat. Sabrina Bianca Bennstein, Harshita Kaul, Sonia Ravanelli, Dr. Shyama Vermeersch, Dr. Alisandra K. Denton, Kathrin Dorn

CRC 1208 researcher Wibke Schumann explains her research at this year's Soapbox Science Rhineland.
Think "outside the box" is what is often said when they want you to leave your old thinking habits behind and get creative.
On 21 August from 2 to 6 p.m., female scientists will stand on four boxes on Cologne's Rudolfplatz and present their research to passers-by.

Without technical aids, women scientists want to inspire the general public with their research by standing on their "soapbox". In a workshop, the participants learn how to do this without PowerPoint or a lecture hall. We can look forward to the creative implementation on the box.

Speaking of old habits of thought "inside the box". If you ask on the street what a scientist looks like, the image of the white-haired man with tousled hair quickly comes up. Soapbox Science Rheinland is also about doing away with such old clichés. The event is part of the international Soapbox Science initiative, which aims to bring science to the people and challenge gender stereotypes in scientific professions. The inspiration for this format was Speaker's Corner in London's Hyde Park, where debates and discussions take place publicly in the open air. This year Soapbox Science celebrates its tenth anniversary with 45 events planned in 15 countries.

This year, the six participating HHU scientists will present their work in the fields of immunology, physics, colloids, plant biology and bioinformatics.

Soapbox Science Rheinland" is organised and carried out by the Clusters of Excellence ImmunoSensation2 (Bonn) and CECAD (Cologne) together with volunteers. In addition, the HHU supports the event with its Cluster of Excellence for Plant Research CEPLAS, its Citizens' University and the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1208.
What, where and when?

    Soapbox Science Rhineland
    Cologne, Rudolfplatz
    Saturday, 21 August, 2:00 to 6:00 p.m.

All citizens are invited to get to know exciting science in a relaxed atmosphere. Participation is free of charge!

Kategorie/n: SFB 1208

Wibke Schumann part of Soapbox Science 2021 in Cologne on 21 August 2021

Soapbox Science Speakers 2021 (top left to bottom right): Priyamedha Sengupta, Wibke Schumann, Dr. rer. nat. Anette Christ, Blanca Jurado Mestre, Ekaterina Ponomareva, Dr. Adélaïde Raguin, Dr. rer. nat. Sabrina Bianca Bennstein, Harshita Kaul, Sonia Ravanelli, Dr. Shyama Vermeersch, Dr. Alisandra K. Denton, Kathrin Dorn

CRC 1208 researcher Wibke Schumann explains her research at this year's Soapbox Science Rhineland.
Think "outside the box" is what is often said when they want you to leave your old thinking habits behind and get creative.
On 21 August from 2 to 6 p.m., female scientists will stand on four boxes on Cologne's Rudolfplatz and present their research to passers-by.

Without technical aids, women scientists want to inspire the general public with their research by standing on their "soapbox". In a workshop, the participants learn how to do this without PowerPoint or a lecture hall. We can look forward to the creative implementation on the box.

Speaking of old habits of thought "inside the box". If you ask on the street what a scientist looks like, the image of the white-haired man with tousled hair quickly comes up. Soapbox Science Rheinland is also about doing away with such old clichés. The event is part of the international Soapbox Science initiative, which aims to bring science to the people and challenge gender stereotypes in scientific professions. The inspiration for this format was Speaker's Corner in London's Hyde Park, where debates and discussions take place publicly in the open air. This year Soapbox Science celebrates its tenth anniversary with 45 events planned in 15 countries.

This year, the six participating HHU scientists will present their work in the fields of immunology, physics, colloids, plant biology and bioinformatics.

Soapbox Science Rheinland" is organised and carried out by the Clusters of Excellence ImmunoSensation2 (Bonn) and CECAD (Cologne) together with volunteers. In addition, the HHU supports the event with its Cluster of Excellence for Plant Research CEPLAS, its Citizens' University and the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1208.
What, where and when?

    Soapbox Science Rhineland
    Cologne, Rudolfplatz
    Saturday, 21 August, 2:00 to 6:00 p.m.

All citizens are invited to get to know exciting science in a relaxed atmosphere. Participation is free of charge!

Kategorie/n: SFB 1208